Category Archives: Notes from the Editor’s Desk

Adventures at Boskone

This past weekend, my editor Dr. Bill and I were most likely to be found lurking in the Huckster room at Boskone, where we shared a table with the delightful John Edward Lawson of Raw Dog Screaming Press. If you happened to be walking through the Huckster Room and a man you didn’t know shouted a random compliment at you, that would be Dr. Bill. He’s very friendly, plus he does tend to notice things he likes.

Real Elf Love

One thing Dr. Bill noticed before I did was the appearance of some elves, which he heralded with the rather loud exclamation of “Elves!” Fortunately, they had seen a print of Duncan Eagleson’s Elf Love cover art on display in the art show, and were apparently looking for us, so Dr. Bill didn’t scare them off. As you can see, this led to the BEST. PHOTO. OP. EVER. Most graciously, Mr. Spencer Chamberlain and his lady Gaberial Darling agreed to mimic the pose on the cover, while holding a copy of the book. As they make their own costumes, I’m pretty sure I will faint from excitement if I see them dressed up like the elves on the cover of our book.

Bridge Troll by Duncan Eagleson

As you may know, our art director does much more than supply us with beautiful covers for our books, put up with my incessant rants and irrational demands, and dress in a manner most frequently referred to as “dapper”. Besides a small selection of prints, he brought several of his sculptures to the art show. His Bridge Troll, pictured here, won the Judges’ Choice award! Many congratulations to Duncan for his outstanding work. If you’re interested in seeing more of what Duncan does, you can check out some of his other work over here.

All in all, we sold some books, met some interesting folk, and had some fun. Next up: Balticon!

The Mysteries of Publishing (resolved)

First of all, our second book, Rapunzel’s Daughters (and Other Tales) has been officially released. Head over to Amazon or Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy if you haven’t already.

When I tell people that I publish books, I occasionally get the question, “How did you do that?” The answer is quite simple. How do we do it? Magic. That’s right. We have a whole coven of witches in the basement, black cats, pointy hats and all. A few words are incanted as a few items (probably best left unmentioned) are tossed tenderly into a bubbling cauldron, then POOF! a book appears.

So there you have it, folks. Magic. And as editor Josie Brown wrote in the introduction, we hope that not only do you enjoy these tales, but that whatever – or whoever – you see after is just a little more magical than it was before.

Rose Mambert
Editor in Chief